Goals Motivation – Visualization has different purposes: representing complex structures or processes, supporting multiple viewpoints, allowing intuitive interaction with data or models (all of this could be considered functionality or dialogue requirements); or supporting aesthetics and the user’s experience (a rather novel goal, enabled, as well as triggered, by new technologies: portability, location and movement awareness of hardware, 3D and fine-grained rendering). Developments often seem to aim at one of these two directions, sometimes clearly at the expense of the other. Our quest is to consider if there is the need for an explicit trade off, the possibility of a balance, or even an opportunity to discover an optimal combination. Approach – This workshop will allow exchange of ideas, experiences, viewpoints from different disciplines, and visions on the role of industry and academia in developing a common ground for aware design and teaching.
Expected outcomes We intend to develop our workshop discussion results into a publication to be submitted for pear review, either in the way of a monograph, a journal paper, or a chapter in a handbook, aiming at an audience of interaction designers or teachers on visualization in interaction design.