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MobileHCI is the world's leading conference in the field of Human Computer Interaction concerned with portable and personal devices and with the services to which they enable access. The first workshop (PID-MAD 2013) was held on August 27, 2013 in conjunction with MobileHCI 2013 at Munich, Germany. This year, PID-MAD 2014 will be held in conjunction with the 16th ACM International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2014) at Toronto, Canada on September 23, 2014. The current mobile paradigm is in many ways fundamentally different from the conventional desktop paradigm due to many factors such as multi-touch gesture interaction, usage of sensors, single-task focused model, etc. These factors mean several new challenges for the interaction designers with regard to communicating their ideas and thoughts during early design activities, which they might be unable to tackle properly using traditional prototyping techniques. Therefore, we envision that research must address the need for a change in existing prototyping techniques as well as focus on novel prototyping approaches and frameworks that would support not only the interaction design process but also the whole development process of mobile app development. In the footsteps of the first workshop, PID-MAD 2014 provides a platform to the interested communities for discussing issues and will bring together researchers and practitioners for sharing their knowledge and experience in order to tackle the upcoming challenges.
Contact If you have any questions or comments, please send us an email using the following address:pidmad14<AT>hciv.de (please replace <AT> by @). News *** The submission deadline has been extended to Friday, June 20, 2014 (Pacific Standard Time - PST).
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