WHAT!2017 — Beyond Computers: Wearables, Humans, And Things.

Call for Participation

The workshop will focus on how the revolution instantiated by things, wearables, etc. may affect the way we look at the relationships between humans and among humans, human elements and computing devices and what should be done to improve these interactions and “entanglements” and to understand them better.

WHAT!2017 will be a full-day workshop held in conjunction with INTERACT 2017. The workshop will take place at Mubai, India.


Important Dates

Submission deadline: July 7, 2017
Notification of acceptance: July 21, 2017
Camera-ready submission: July 31, 2017
WHAT! Workshop: September 26, 2017


Call for Participation and Submission Guidelines

All information about participation and submission can be found in the following PDF:
WHAT!2017 Call for Participation


Expected Outcomes

Participants in the workshop will present their ideas in position papers and workshop talks. Position papers and talks are grouped according to specific topics like “wearables”, “skinnables”, or “implantables”. For every topic we expect about four position papers or talks. After the presentations related to one topic there will be a specific block where all workshop participants openly discuss the position papers and talks. Thus we will have a view on multiple aspects of WHATs in several blocks consisting of papers / talks and subsequent discussion sessions. First discussions will even start previous to the workshop in the Facebook page: Wearables, Humans And Things - WHAT (see Facebook link in the header of this website).

During the workshop, in each discussion block we want to summarize the discussions and present this summary to the main conference.

After the Workshop, we will continue the discussions in the Facebook page and will encourage the participants to send papers to the organizers for publishing e.g. in a Springer LNCS book or in a special issue of a suitable journal/magazine.



In case of any questions please contact us using the following email adress: what17<AT>hciv.de (please replace <AT> by @).